Sunday, July 08, 2007

18039 words

first paragraph of the day:

Phil looked like he just woke up and I’m sure I looked worse. He didn’t recognize me at first but I got him to let me in anyway despite my death mask or maybe because of it. He was a druggist after all or he was something. In any case, I grunted something incoherent and pushed my way in. He stared at me blinking for a few seconds as I looked at the organized wreckage of his lab.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

word count 17663

Outlining a screenplay which is coming slowly. in the meantime, worked on this a bit. first paragraph of the day:

I don’t know if you know what fear is. Maybe when you were a kid in pigtails and pajamas with feet, you stayed up late to watch one of the Friday the 13ths at Lindsay Miller’s house and when the film was over, they turned off the lights and you stayed up not sleeping, at the bottom of your sleeping bag, shaking, terrified, and every sound of the cat or a shift in the sleeping bag beside you made you squeeze your face in your hands and even when you finally dozed off you still woke up screaming and for six months went to bed with the hall light on.